Humorlessly Apologetic.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." -Maya Angelou

Wow. I have felt so crappy lately. What's funny is it is entirely my fault. Weird.

Anywho, sorry for straying from topic. Hmmm... sorry sorry sorry.

I think this blog kind of makes me feel crappy. I sit here and think of all the bad things I've done this week, which doesn't exactly make me feel great.

I feel a change coming...
Not this week, though.

Here's a list of people I've wronged this week:
1) Myself - the usual
2) Tyler V - for telling him he looked like one of the actors from "Cats".
3) Lauren - for missing BOTH of her cookouts.
4) Gwin (who is my turtle) - for being mad at him for not waking up and consequently not feeding him
5) Wyatt - for allowing my Mom to put Sally (the torso) in his bed
6) Isaac (my boyfriend) - for putting the moves on his brother to make him uncomfortable.
7) Jess (my boyfriend's brother) - for putting the moves on him to make his brother uncomfortable.
                                               ......Don't ask.......

So anyway, if anyone has any objections or additions to my list, comment away.

{Also I just wanted you guys to know that I spilled blood on Saturday and saved THREE people's lives. no big deal. I'm just a regular old hero.}

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter


  1. Awww, poor Gwin!!! I hope you fed him at some point, you meanie!! =)

  2. I'm pretty sure I love the name Gwin. Yeah, I do. It's cute :)

  3. Haha niice you are a hero and thanks for believing in me on Friday, for getting back home from the crazy lady's house :p.
