Humorlessly Apologetic.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." -Maya Angelou

Wow. I have felt so crappy lately. What's funny is it is entirely my fault. Weird.

Anywho, sorry for straying from topic. Hmmm... sorry sorry sorry.

I think this blog kind of makes me feel crappy. I sit here and think of all the bad things I've done this week, which doesn't exactly make me feel great.

I feel a change coming...
Not this week, though.

Here's a list of people I've wronged this week:
1) Myself - the usual
2) Tyler V - for telling him he looked like one of the actors from "Cats".
3) Lauren - for missing BOTH of her cookouts.
4) Gwin (who is my turtle) - for being mad at him for not waking up and consequently not feeding him
5) Wyatt - for allowing my Mom to put Sally (the torso) in his bed
6) Isaac (my boyfriend) - for putting the moves on his brother to make him uncomfortable.
7) Jess (my boyfriend's brother) - for putting the moves on him to make his brother uncomfortable.
                                               ......Don't ask.......

So anyway, if anyone has any objections or additions to my list, comment away.

{Also I just wanted you guys to know that I spilled blood on Saturday and saved THREE people's lives. no big deal. I'm just a regular old hero.}

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

if the breakman turns my way

I just now decided to make blogging a habit; so whenever something notable happens, I'll try to blog about it.

For the past like 5 hours I've just been staring at myself via my senior pictures.

But now it's saying my pictures aren't up yet.

Huh. Weird.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blood and guts and shizz

This blog is all about Blood. If you have a weak stomach then you might want to get a garbage bag and keep reading.

This Saturday Potomac is having their blood drive in the bank parking lot. I was a little skeptic of this at first because it seems unsanitary. I was then made aware of the fact that they bring a trailer thing in which they stick you with needles. Now I'm excited.

I tried to donate blood last year at the school's blood drive. My iron count and blood pressure and everything were fine. I got in the chair and the nurse lady couldn't really find a perfect vein. She finally decided on one that I couldn't even see. As she started to stab my poor arm with the giant needle, I looked away and squeezed my friend's hand. I felt it go in and it wasn't that bad; so I let out my breath and released Sam's hand from my death grip.  Just as I looked over at my right arm, she took the needle out. I was uber confused. Then I looked back at Sam and he had a look of amazement on his face. I guess the needle was too large for my tiny little vein. Therefore, when it was inserted, it made my vein collapse. This caused blood so spurt into the needle-tube-thing. Crazy, eh? So basically, my vein exploded. They were really afraid that it wouldn't seal itself back up and that I would have internal bleeding.

As cool as this story is, it kind of disappointed me. I was really looking forward to saving THREE lives.
So this time, I'm going to drink like a gallon (figuratively) of water. I hope that everything works out.

I'm also excited because my bestest friend Lauren Kay is going to be with me. Wanna join?

I'm sorry if you threw up.

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter

Where'd I put that invisible box?

Oh goodness. So I'm super sorry for this being so late. I guess we have a lot to catch up on.

I'm getting so tired of saying sorry. This blog just makes me depressed. I'm always trying to think of bad things I've done to apologize for. Maybe that's why I always put off writing it for so long.

Now I'm going to switch gears and talk about next weekend: Halloween.
So I've decided that for Halloween I want to be a mime. However I need to get everything for the costume still. It shouldn't be that hard; it's just a black and white striped shirt and black pants. Suspenders would make it better, but I might not mess with that. I just looked up pictures of mimes and there are some things I didn't think about. I guess I also need white gloves. A top hat would be cool, too.

Now just for makeup. That shouldn't be too hard. I just have to find someone to do it. Any takers?

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I'm no liar.
My room is clean.
I blogged.
And now it's time for bed.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Number 7: Oh.. well this is awkward

As I'm sure all of you blogger people out there remember, last week I apologized to myself for being such a bum and procrastinating and junk. I also promised to change my ways.

......about that...

I suppose this calls for another round of apologies to myself. This was supposed to be a weekend of getting things done. Instead my room is like communist Russia, my blog presumably late and I feel worse than ever. This was, however, partially unavoidable because I've been ridiculously sick all weekend. I won't make excuses, though. I'm perfectly aware that I most likely wasn't going to do it anyway.

I also need to apologize to you, my loyal followers. I've made a liar of myself. It shall not happen again. I hereby promise that by Thursday my room will be clean. This is for real. This time I mean it (catch the quote?)
Also, I promise to blog again that very same day relaying the details of my adventure.

Welp, see you all tomorrow. Unless any of you won't be in class tomorrow; in which case I'll see you whenever you decide to come back.

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Number 6: SELFISH!!!

I feel the need to apologize to little ole me this week. I've been slacking; majorly.
My room is a disaster.
I haven't been taking my vitamins.
My homework is half done.
My nail polish is chipping.

In other words, I'm a mess. I'm sorry, self. It's not that I don't love you. I've just been a little busy, that's all. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you've been kind of obsessed with your boyfriend lately. It's getting kind of annoying. So don't criticize me for being too busy when you haven't exactly been here for me either.

I suddenly feel the urge to apologize for being a schizophrenic freak.

Apologizing is only the first step to making something better. Next, one must correct the mistake. I will start taking better care of myself from now on. No more procrastination of my application to ISU. No more laziness. Less TV. Sound good? I think so.

Starting tomorrow, I will once again be the new old me; if that makes sense. I say starting tomorrow because I haven't done my math homework yet and I'm tired.

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter