Humorlessly Apologetic.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Number 6: SELFISH!!!

I feel the need to apologize to little ole me this week. I've been slacking; majorly.
My room is a disaster.
I haven't been taking my vitamins.
My homework is half done.
My nail polish is chipping.

In other words, I'm a mess. I'm sorry, self. It's not that I don't love you. I've just been a little busy, that's all. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you've been kind of obsessed with your boyfriend lately. It's getting kind of annoying. So don't criticize me for being too busy when you haven't exactly been here for me either.

I suddenly feel the urge to apologize for being a schizophrenic freak.

Apologizing is only the first step to making something better. Next, one must correct the mistake. I will start taking better care of myself from now on. No more procrastination of my application to ISU. No more laziness. Less TV. Sound good? I think so.

Starting tomorrow, I will once again be the new old me; if that makes sense. I say starting tomorrow because I haven't done my math homework yet and I'm tired.

My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter


  1. Nice background :) It's nice to revamp yourself every once in awhile...give yourself a new routine, give up tv for a week or stop drinking pop. (I'm in the process of a week sans facebook and soda. I already feel more in control of my life :) Good luck with your application!

  2. I completely understand where you're coming from. It's nice to just chill every once in awhile and take some time for yourself. Go Kirstynnn!

  3. Dang I should be apologizing to myself everyday then hmmm..I guess I am sorry self :)
