This blog is all about Blood. If you have a weak stomach then you might want to get a garbage bag and keep reading.
This Saturday Potomac is having their blood drive in the bank parking lot. I was a little skeptic of this at first because it seems unsanitary. I was then made aware of the fact that they bring a trailer thing in which they stick you with needles. Now I'm excited.
I tried to donate blood last year at the school's blood drive. My iron count and blood pressure and everything were fine. I got in the chair and the nurse lady couldn't really find a perfect vein. She finally decided on one that I couldn't even see. As she started to stab my poor arm with the giant needle, I looked away and squeezed my friend's hand. I felt it go in and it wasn't that bad; so I let out my breath and released Sam's hand from my death grip. Just as I looked over at my right arm, she took the needle out. I was uber confused. Then I looked back at Sam and he had a look of amazement on his face. I guess the needle was too large for my tiny little vein. Therefore, when it was inserted, it made my vein collapse. This caused blood so spurt into the needle-tube-thing. Crazy, eh? So basically, my vein exploded. They were really afraid that it wouldn't seal itself back up and that I would have internal bleeding.
As cool as this story is, it kind of disappointed me. I was really looking forward to saving THREE lives.
So this time, I'm going to drink like a gallon (figuratively) of water. I hope that everything works out.
I'm also excited because my bestest friend Lauren Kay is going to be with me. Wanna join?
I'm sorry if you threw up.
My apologies,
Kirstyn B. Showalter
If only I hadn't given blood at Dragon*Con, I would donate as well. And go me!! I didn't throw up xD